Below is a transcription of the video.
Adelante Center for Entrepreneurship focuses exclusively on developing programs and projects that benefit Lake County and the surrounding areas. Our mission is brought to life through entrepreneurship, living-wage job creation, and community development.
In communities surrounded by fast food and convenience stores, residents don't have access to nutritious foods
In the initial creation of Adelante, one of our priorities was to increase access to healthy foods for those in need. But our plans have since grown into so much more.
What if we can make healthy food more accessible, create job opportunities, and support local businesses, all under one roof? Introducing The Post Marketplace.
Located right here in the community, this facility will bring everyone together with its shared event space, the urban aquaponics farm that grows fresh produce year-round, and our modernized food pantry that distributes healthy meal kits instead of boxes of random grocery items.
None of this would be possible without the support from our generous partners and members of this vibrant community.
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for more updates. We can't wait to share what's next.
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